Medical Information


All absences need to be reported to the school office by 9.30am on the first day of absence. Parents whose children are brought into school via mini-bus still need to contact the office, even though you will have let the mini-bus team know that they do not need to pick up your child on this day. ALL absences that are not reported by 9.30am on the first day will be treated as unauthorised, you will also be contacted by the office staff to find out the reason for the absence.

When attendance is reviewed and monitored, poor attendance and unauthorised absences may result in a referral to the Educational Social Worker or a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued.


Any occurrence of sickness or diarrhoea that happens in school will result in your child being sent home to recover, your child must then be kept away from school for 48hours after the last bout of illness. Similarly, if your child is sick or has diarrhoea in the evening or over the weekend, they must be kept off school for 48hours after the last bout of illness.

More information and guidance on this can be found here.


If your child has an accident at school you will be notified if:

1/ If your child has received a bump to the head. In this instance, your child will be given a bumped head letter with information on danger signs to look for. You should not be alarmed by these letters as they will be issued even for low level head bumps. If the accident has left a lump or visible mark you may receive a phone call or be informed by a member of staff when you collect your child at the end of the day.

2/ If your child has an accident that requires further medical attention. We may request for your child to be collected and taken to a GP or A&E.


Staff WILL NOT normally administer medicines. In the case of anti-biotics that need to be taken 3 times a day we would suggest administering one dose in the morning, one at collection time and one before bed.

Any anti-biotics that need to be taken 4 times a day or any pain medications would be the responsibility of the parent to attend school at the correct time and administer it themselves. The exception to this would be any medication that is needed on a long term basis. In this instance the parent would need to complete a form stating the medicine to be administered, dosage and regularity. It is your responsibility to ensure there are sufficient quantities of the medication and that it is in date.

Any asthma medication can be self-administered by the child and would be kept in classroom. If needed, a spacer should be supplied for the child’s use and as with other medicines it is your responsibility to ensure that medicine is in date and replaced when needed.


We ask that all routine/non-emergency GP and dentist appointments are made out of school hours. Any emergency appointments or hospital appointments must be accompanied by a letter or similar proof that the office will copy and keep on your child’s file.

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