Admission to Jewell Academy Pre-School
We are delighted you are considering our pre-school for your child. Here you will find all of the information and forms you will need to complete.
Our pre-school class is called Jellyfish!
Children can join our Jellyfish class the term after their third birthday, when they are eligible for their fifteen free hours of early education.
Forms you will need to complete:
*Admission form
*Funding form
*Photo and Video consent form
*Short trips and outings form
*Home / School Agreement
*All About Me (completed during Home Visit)
*EYPP form – We may be entitled to access additional funding to support your child. If you need advice completing this form, please come and see a member of the Pre-School or main office team so we can assist you. You will need to bring your National Insurance number with you in order to complete the form.
If you are planning for your child to come to Jewell Academy Reception, you will need to apply for a place in the usual way. Attending our pre-school, does not guarantee you a place at Jewell Academy for your child’s Reception year.