Anti-Bullying Ambassadors Programme
Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors Programme began in September 2022. The adult involved in running this are Miss Symonds. There are 14 students in total who were nominated by their teachers to become Anti-Bullying Ambassadors in our school.
Together, they received training by the lead for this programme across Aspirations (Mr David) and this training enabled the children to become ambassadors against bullying and to build their knowledge on how to support someone if they feel they are being bullied, to empower them to act and to make a difference. This involves them listening to peers and directing them to further support if required.
As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador team they have selected 3 main qualities an Anti-Bullying Ambassador would like to bring to Jewell. They created an action plan which is focused on how they can help deal with bullying if it arises and they have suggested and acted upon ideas. The team run assemblies and get peers involved in making Jewell Academy a ‘no bullying’ zone (e.g. they recently did an anti-bullying poem competition that will go on the notice board).
They all signed the Anti-Bullying pledge:
“ I agree to respect others and take a stand against bullying by supporting vulnerable young people around me and reporting bullying whenever I see it. This includes physical, verbal, cyber, racial, homophobic, religious, sexual, emotional and any other forms of bullying. I believe that everybody has the right to feel safe, included, valued, accepted, and respected at all times and I will try my best to achieve this as an anti-bullying ambassador.”