
At Jewell Academy we recognise the need to provide a wide variety of enriching activities and experiences in which children are encouraged to communicate and express themselves effectively, creatively and above all confidently. English is fun and exciting- children are engaged, motivated, eager to join in and sustain high levels of concentration therefore learning is pleasurable and memorable. Our English curriculum provides a no limits approach to the children’s achievements, regardless of their backgrounds, circumstances or needs (Please see ‘English- Unlocking Barriers’ Policy for further information). 


Talk for Writing coincides with the whole school 3 Phrase approach to English with support from the modelled texts which combine skills of Reading, Writing and Oracy through a structured style of planning/teaching, focusing on imitation, innovation and independent application. At Jewell Academy the links between Reading and Writing are crucial to developing effective skills of English. It is essential that children internalise high-quality language, this is achieved by modelling, talking, drama, verbalising and applying Reading and Writing skills in a meaningful, realistic and purposeful context.  We develop our spelling and grammar through the use of Spelling Shed and Pixl tools alongside other high quality resources to implement spelling and grammar strategies- this daily practice and repetition ensures the skills required for confident writers (Please see coinciding policies for further information). Our weekly handwriting, (Please see coinciding policy for further information) supports spelling, links with gross and fine motor skills and encourages correct pencil grip and fluid action of forming letters to communicate clearly. We provide a Learn to Move session for those children that find the gross and therefore the fine motor skills challenging. We heavily promote and demonstrate the use of high level vocabulary through monthly Tier 2 words, and Vocabulary Ninja. Children are encouraged to use these words in their speech and writing to become stronger communicators.


At Jewell Academy we expect pupils to be able and therefore develop their 21st Century skills to:

  • Recognise the link between reading and writing, using skills in one to support the other.
  • Develop a positive attitude towards their school work, taking pride in achieving the highest personal standard in all areas of English- self accomplishment.
  • Acquire the skills and strategies to plan and carry out their work- independence.
  • Read and write with confidence, fluency and understanding, orchestrating a range of independent strategies to self-monitor and correct- resilience.
  • Articulate their ideas confidently through discussing reading and writing comprehensively, expressing opinions, explaining techniques and justifying preferences, about a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts, using suitable technical vocabulary- presenting their findings.
  • Have opportunities to perform their own work to a range of audiences and for a range of purposes- communication.
  • Have an interest in books and read for enjoyment- passionate readers.
  • Have an interest in words, their meanings; developing a growing vocabulary in spoken and written forms- public speaking.
  • Understand a range of text types and genres – be able to write in a variety of styles and forms appropriate to the purpose, situation and Audience-Cultural capital
  • Develop the powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness- creativity.  
  • Have a suitable technical vocabulary to articulate their responses.
  • Review, edit and improve their own and others written work against expectations, Writer’s Toolkits or for a particular audience-perseverance

Cultural Capital

Through our engaging and exciting Writing curriculum, we provide opportunities for children to develop the above English expectations in purposeful situations to equip them to be educated citizens with an appreciation of human creativity and achievement:

  • Workshops and visits from Poets / Writers / Actors.
  • Trips to the Theatre.
  • Watching and participating in performances and plays (Pantomime).
  • Entering competitions.
  • Enriched texts to support the teaching and learning of English.
  • Being involved in the application of the learning environments.
  • Explore different authors (past and present) to appreciate language and its origins.
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How do I apply for a Reception place for my child at Jewell Academy Bournemouth? For September 2024 we will be offering 60 places in…

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