PARENT Information

Every week we will add photos and comments to Tapestry so you can see all the brilliant learning your child has got up to during the week. We will also send home a vocabulary sheet every week which you can use to help your child learn the new vocabulary and phonics sounds coming up.

We are very excited to meet all of our new EYFS children! If your child is joining us next year please click on the button below to find out more.

Progression Maps from nursery to EYFS:

READING                 WRITING                      Maths



Our parent topic overview sheets are created each half term to inform parents about their child’s learning, help initiate discussions about their child’s next topic as well as signposting ways in which parents can help at home.

Find out what we are learning in EYFS here: 

Autumn One Autumn Two Spring One Spring Two  Summer One Summer Two
Topic Overview Topic Overview Topic Overview Topic Overview Topic Overview Topic Overview


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) is one of the seven areas of learning defined by the Early Years Foundations Stage (EYFS). PSED is a key element for our children at Jewell Academy as it is vital in supporting children to learn to get on with others, understand and talk about feelings, develop independence, and learn how to keep themselves healthy and safe. We discuss regularly PSED with parents and break it down into its three aspects: self-confidence and self-awareness, managing feelings and behavior, and making relationships. We strongly believe positive relationships with adults are important for children to learn about their emotions, how to regulate them, and how relationships with their peers work and work extremely hard to provide opportunities for this throughout EYFS and beyond!


EYFS Letters


Where next


How do I apply for a Reception place for my child at Jewell Academy Bournemouth? For September 2024 we will be offering 60 places in…

How to apply

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